Manage Warnings

Manage Warnings

Manage Warnings

Welcome to your one-stop-shop to deep dive into your warnings, understand them better, and collaborate with your team to get them fixed in record time!

Warning Dashboard

Your Warning Dashboard (Overview Tab) serves as a central hub for managing all your warnings. This feature provides you with a comprehensive view of all your warnings within your analytics providers, helping you proactively monitor them for quick issue resolution.

Learn more about Trackingplan’s Warning Dashboard here.

Warning Management View

After having identified all the warnings threatening to undermine the quality of our data, it’s time to take action. For it, accessing your warning management view is as simple as clicking on the warnings you want to investigate.


Let’s have a look at all the things you’ll be able to see and manage, which process slightly vary depending on the different types of warnings Trackingplan automatically notifies you about.

Managing Traffic Warnings

When it comes to Traffic Warnings, we've got you covered with a specialized feature designed to address the unique challenges associated with managing traffic-related issues.

  • Daily Traffic Chart: This chart will show you the event’s traffic evolution, including warnings triggered based on either the threshold inferred from your user traffic or your manual configuration.
  • Customize traffic thresholds: Your Warning Management View also allows you to tailor the threshold at which your warnings trigger to increase them.
  • You can also add any relevant information in the description box to track the warning progress for seamless collaboration within your team.
  • More Info section: Finally, you can also learn more about the elements affected by the warning, get more context such as the environment, the app version, the source, or the release number in which the warning has been spotted, or download a sample payload of the warning with the data layer of that event to get the real picture of what the browser captured when the event was triggered.
Example of how you can instantly see the days in which the traffic of an event has dropped below the threshold’s expectations.
Example of how you can instantly see the days in which the traffic of an event has dropped below the threshold’s expectations.

Managing Specification Warnings

Specification Warnings also require different needs, and that is why your Warning Management view will change slightly because of it.

  • Daily Specification Fulfillment Chart: Firstly, the chart provided in your Warning Management View won’t focus on the event’s traffic evolution, but on the the daily rates of specification matches vs. mismatches. That is, on the way your events have fulfilled their specifications or not on a daily basis.
  • Similarly, you’ll also be able to include any pertinent details in the description box to monitor the advancement of the warning to ensure all team members are aligned about its progress, and you’ll be provided with the More Info section to get more context about the warning and download a sample payload with a real data example of what is sent to your providers when your events are triggered.
  • Finally, for problems related to specification warnings, the Warning Management view will get you access to our Debug Warning View to find out the root cause of your warnings and quickly wave them off.

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