Debug Warnings

Debug Warnings

Debug Warnings

Trackingplan not only automatically spots and alerts you about any error happening in your digital analytics so you and your team can focus on what you do best instead of having to look for errors, but it also helps you minimize the time you spend fixing these issues by helping you debug them in record time.

Having said that, if you usually struggle to find the root cause of those warnings related to properties missing or not conforming to the validation rules or constraints specified, our Debug Warning View is for you. You’ll find it just by hovering over the warning and clicking directly on the issue you want to investigate.


Our Debug Warning feature has been designed to inform you about where and why your warnings have appeared. This is the view you’ll see to explore the correlation between a specific warning and other fields that may have influenced it, such as tags, properties, and event attributions.


From this view, Trackingplan will automatically identify any potential correlation between each event field and the warning and will assess its influence. This is useful to quickly identify the values that may have caused the appearance of the warning at a glance.

Trackingplan will show you the extent to which an error can impact the appearance of the warning using the following criteria:

  • High (70% - 100%): The element is highly influencing the presence of the problem in this specific event. The higher the correlation, the more hits have been observed where the warning and the value occur together.
  • Medium (30% - 69%): The element is impacting moderately the appearance of the warning.
  • Low (0% - 29%): The element is barely influencing the presence of the warning.

However, you also have the option to see the negative influence to help you understand where the error never occurs and deduce, based on your analytics, where it should be happening by process of elimination. The higher the negative influence, the more likely it is that the other elements are the ones causing the warning.

See Trackingplan’s Warning Debug in action

Let’s have a look at the example below.

In there, the property event_category inside the event Add_to_cart, when its value is Recommended_PDP, is influencing 82% of the time the appearance of the warning as opposed to the rest of the fields, whose percentage is lower.

You can also explore any of the values closely by clicking on the chevron on the right. There, you’ll be provided with more information about the correlation between the selected value and the warning and gain insights about where this percentage comes from.

Moreover, by clicking on “analyze”, you’ll be able to filter for that specific value. You can also do the same by just hovering over the field name.

If there are missing elements, these might have a negative influence. Just click on “show negative influence” to see it all.
Without negative influences
Without negative influences
With negative influences
With negative influences

The dropdown menu in Trackingplan’s Debug Warning View will allow you to filter among your tags, properties, attributions, and the dates on which your warnings were spotted to see the correlation between these values and the warning.

Filter by field
Filter by field
Filter by date
Filter by date
Learn more about Trackingplan’s wide array of attributions designed to pinpoint where errors compromising the quality of your data have occurred, understand why they happened, and take the necessary steps to resolve them.

See Tracks

You also have the option to see all the tracks generated when your warnings occur to be provided with a real data example of what is sent to your providers when your events are triggered.

Doing this will provide you with the raw tracks generated for any specific RCA value you’d like to investigate deeper, which you can copy and paste without the need to download them.

But that’s not all, you’ll also be provided with the data layer of that event to show you the real picture of what the browser captured and offer you all the necessary context for you to debug issues in record time. You can learn more about how this can help you here.
For more information about Trackingplan’s Warning Debug feature, check out this demo to see it in action or have a look at this article.

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