What is Trackingplan
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Trackingplan Public APISupported Trackers Release NotesProperties
Properties help you organize and analyze your data more efficiently by clearly stating what type of data is. This is why Trackingplan automatically monitors them to notify you whenever your properties don’t conform to the values inferred by our algorithm or the ones you have specified.
Property Type Monitoring
In this regard, while Trackingplan can automatically interpret which property type is being tracked, you can make as many manual adjustments as necessary and choose between boolean, number, string, array, object, regex, enum, or keep it unconstrained with any. If Trackingplan detects that the events sent do not conform to these specifications, a warning will be generated.
Property Presence Monitoring
Moreover, Trackingplan will also interpret which property presence is being tracked, but you can easily make manual adjustments between required, nullable, optional, and conditional as shown below. Let’s see this in more detail:
- Required: If required properties are not being tracked in each of your event hits, as we see in the example below, Trackingplan will automatically send you a warning.
- Nullable: If you set a property as “Nullable”, this means that emitting a property without value will not be considered a missing property in warnings and statistics. However, Trackingplan will send you a warning in case there are missing hits.
- Optional: Setting a property as “optional” means there may be events where these are present and others that are not. In that case, Trackingplan won’t send you a warning in case no hits are tracked in the properties you’ve marked as optional.
- Conditional: Setting a property as “conditional” can be very useful for events that occur on many different pages. In this sense, adding a conditional could allow us to differentiate between required or nullable within the very same property, depending on its value. Let’s think about an example to illustrate it.
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