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Tags are completely customizable and can be extremely helpful to filter your warnings and perform root-cause analysis on them.
Here are some of the possibilities tags can offer you:
Filter warnings by tags
This is what you can quickly answer using Trackingplan’s Tag Filter.
Tags will allow you to distinguish your warnings by their custom tag value. That way, you will be able to filter your warnings by their release version, their build number, the app version in which they appeared, or their Test Name in staging or preproduction environments to quickly check if your warnings are happening only in a specific test version or in several of them.
Debug warnings and perform root-cause analysis
Tags can also enable you to debug and perform root-cause analysis on your warnings.
For those warnings related to missed properties, or with properties that do not conform to the Regexes, validation functions, or data types you have specified, you can hover the cursor over these warnings to get a clear view of the correlation between a specific warning and the tags that may have influenced its appearance.
Moreover, our RCA feature gives you the option to filter by all your tags.
Learn more about debugging analytics problems with Trackingplan here.
Breaking down event traffic
Lastly, tags also allow you to break down event hits by the values of your tags. This means you can break down the traffic of an event by country, or any other values that you have previously tagged (release version, build number, app version, test name, country, etc.).
You can learn more about Trackingplan’s Data Explorer here.
Set up tags with Trackingplan
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