Customize Warnings

Customize Warnings

Customize Warnings

Trackingplan will always propose predefined alerts based on your business type. However, you can also configure alerts to ensure you receive warnings only when the conditions you specify are met.

Doing this will allow you to customize the traffic threshold at which your traffic warnings trigger, deactivate specific warning types or providers, or set tolerance percentages.

You can customize alerts individually for specific events (Customize Warnings) or globally (Settings).

For specific events & properties

If you want to set a warning for a specific event or property, navigate to it and click on Customize Warnings.


Doing this will show you the current warning settings for only that specific event or property.


You also have the option to Customize your Warnings individually through your Warning Management View. For it, just click on the icon shown below.


For your entire tracking plan

You also have the option to edit the warning settings for all your events (that is, your entire tracking plan), by navigating to the Warnings section in your Settings.
