For Apps

For Apps

Installing Trackingplan in Your Apps

For apps, you’ll just need to install Trackingplan’s iOS and/or Android SDKs directly.


Installing Trackingplan’s iOS SDK using Swift Package Manager

With Trackingplan for iOS, you can ensure your tracking is going as planned without changing your current analytics stack or code.

Trackingplan will monitor traffic between your app and data destinations and automatically warn you about any changes or issues in your analytics implementations like hit drops, missing properties, rogue events, and more.

The recommended way to install Trackingplan for iOS is to use Swift Package Manager, as it will simplify the process of installing and upgrading Trackingplan. To do this, follow the steps below.
  1. In Xcode, add the Trackingplan dependency by navigating to File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency...
  2. image
  3. If you’re asked to choose a project, select the project you want to add Trackingplan to. If not, proceed to step 3.
  4. image
  5. When choosing a package repository, copy and paste into the search box and click Next.
  6. image
  7. Now, choose Version and leave the default selection for the latest version or customize if needed. To install previous versions of Trackingplan, you can manually complete this field with the appropriate version information.
  8. image
  9. Check the box next to Trackingplan and click Finish.
  10. image
  11. Verify that the Trackingplan library has been added to the Swift Package Dependencies section.
  12. image
  13. Then, in your application delegate’s - application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method, set up the SDK like so:
  14. //
    //  AppDelegate.swift
    //  ...
    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
            // Override point for customization after application launch.
            // Initialize Trackingplan SDK
            TrackingPlan.initialize(tpId: "#YourTrackingplanId")
            return true
  15. Finally, import the SDK using the following command:
  16. //
    //  AppDelegate.swift
    //  ...
    import TrackingPlan

All set! You have successfully installed the Trackingplan iOS SDK. Please remember to validate Trackingplan is collecting data correctly by following these easy steps to ensure Trackingplan is automatically monitoring and documenting all the customer data you are using for your analytics, marketing, and sales.

If you have any other questions or problems during the process, don’t hesitate to contact support.

Installing iOS SDK with Cocoapods

Trackingplan also supports iOS installation using Cocoapods. To install Trackingplan with Cocoapods, complete the following steps.
  1. First, add the Trackingplan dependency to your Podfile, like so:
pod 'Trackingplan', :git => ''
  1. In your application delegate’s - application(_:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:) method, set up the SDK like so:
//  AppDelegate.swift
//  ...

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
        // Override point for customization after application launch.
        // Initialize Trackingplan SDK
        TrackingPlan.initialize(tpId: "#YourTrackingplanId")
        return true
  1. Import the SDK with this command:
//  AppDelegate.swift
//  ...

import TrackingPlan

And that’s it! After completing these steps, remember to validate Trackingplan is collecting data correctly by following these easy steps.

If you have any other questions or problems during the process, don’t hesitate to contact support.

Installing iOS SDK in a Flutter project

TrackingPlan iOS platform dependency can be managed using Cocoapods (

Your Flutter project is not using Cocoapods yet?

  • Move to the iOS folder inside your Flutter project folder. {project_name}/ios/
  • Initialise Cocoapods: $ pod init : this will create the Podfile.


  • Open the Podfile, uncomment, and set the platform and version at the top.
    • platform : ios, '13.0.0'
  • Add a line for the Trackingplan pod inside the target block:
    • pod 'Trackingplan', :git => ''
  • Make sure that use_frameworks! is in place to disable dynamic frameworks

Sample Podfile (Project without Cocoapods):

platform :ios, '13.0.0'


target 'Runner' do
    # Pods for Runner
  pod 'Trackingplan', :git => ''
  • Move to the ios folder path {project_name}/ios/ and run the command $ pod install

Sample Podfile (Project already using Cocoapods):

target 'Runner' do
  pod 'Trackingplan', :git => ''
  flutter_install_all_ios_pods File.dirname(File.realpath(__FILE__))


  • Include Pods files in debug and release config:
    • Edit the file {project_name}/ios/Flutter/Debug.xcconfig and add at the end:
    • #include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.debug.xcconfig”

    • Edit the file {project_name}/ios/Flutter/Release.xcconfig and add at the end:
    • #include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.release.xcconfig" #include "Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Runner/Pods-Runner.profile.xcconfig"

  • Update AppDelegate.swift in {project_name}/ios/Runner/
    • Import tracking plan at the top
    • image
    • Initialise tracking plan with the identifier provided inside the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

Set up Tags in iOS SDK

Tags are a pair of key-value strings that are used for tagging data sent to Trackingplan. These are completely customizable and can be extremely helpful to filter warnings affecting a specific app version, country, and so on, or perform root-cause analysis on them.

Automating Tagging! For iOS and Android SDKs, the app_version tag will be automatically included without any additional configuration required. To include other tags such as country, build number, test name, or others, you can put them manually as indicated in the example below:
// Initialize Trackingplan SDK
		tpId: "YOUR_TP_ID".
		tags: [
			// "app_version": "1.0.0", Omitted, this is automatically set
			"lang": "en",
			"country": "us"

Android SDK

Installing Trackingplan’s Android SDK using Android Studio

With Trackingplan for Android you can ensure your tracking is going as planned without changing your current analytics stack or code.

The recommended way to install Trackingplan for Android is to use Android Studio. For it, complete the following steps:

Note: Before starting the installation process, make sure your project targets API level 24 (Lollipop) or later.

  1. First, add the Trackingplan dependency. To do this, expand the Gradle Scripts section.
  2. image
  3. Then, select the project-level build.gradle file and add com.trackingplan.client:adapter:1.8.0 as a classpath dependency to the dependencies section:
  4. dependencies {   
        // ...
        classpath "com.trackingplan.client:adapter:1.8.0

    " // ... }

  5. After that, select the module-level build.gradle file and modify it as indicated below:
    • Add id 'com.trackingplan.client' to the plugins section.
    • plugins {
          // ...
          id 'com.trackingplan.client'
          // ...
    • Add implementation 'com.trackingplan.client:sdk:1.8.0' to the dependencies section.
    • dependencies {
          // ...
          implementation 'com.trackingplan.client:sdk:1.8.0'
          // ...
  6. Next, in the onCreate method of your Application's Main Activity, set up the SDK like so:
  7. Trackingplan.init("YOUR_TP_ID").start(this)
  8. Then import the SDK with the following command:
  9. import com.trackingplan.client.sdk.Trackingplan;

You have now successfully installed the Trackingplan Android SDK.

All set! After completing these steps, remember to validate Trackingplan is collecting data correctly by following these easy steps.

You can also install Trackingplan for Android by building it from the source code. For more information, visit our Github documentation.

Installing Android SDK in a Flutter project

To add Trackingplan to your Flutter app, first find the android directory inside your Flutter project and add the Trackingplan dependency like so:

  • Add com.trackingplan.client:adapter:1.8.0 as a classpath dependency to the dependencies section of the android/build.gradle file.
dependencies {   
    // ...
    classpath "com.trackingplan.client:adapter:1.8.0"
    // ...
  • Add implementation 'com.trackingplan.client:sdk:1.8.0' to the dependencies section of the android/app/build.gradle file.
dependencies {
    // ...
    implementation 'com.trackingplan.client:sdk:1.8.0'// ...
  • Apply com.trackingplan.client plugin in your android/app/build.gradle file.
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: 'com.trackingplan.client' // <-- Trackingplan Plugin

Finally, find the MainActivity class (android/app/src/main/kotlin) and, in the onCreate method, set up the SDK like so:


And of course, import the SDK:

import com.trackingplan.client.sdk.Trackingplan;

All set!

Advanced Options

Trackingplan for Android supports the following advanced options during its initialization:

Enables debug mode. Prints debug information in the console.
Allows to isolate the data between production and testing environments.
Enables dry run mode, which allows you test Trackingplan for Android without actually sending any data to Trackingplan.
Allows to extend the list of monitored domains. Any request made to these domains will also be forwarded to Trackingplan. The map argument must be a key-value with the domain to be looked for and the alias you want to use for that analytics domain.
empty map
Allows to differentiate between sources.
Allows to tag the data sent to Trackingplan. The map argument must be a key-value with the tag name and the tag value.
empty map
Automating Tagging! For iOS and Android SDKs, the app_version tag will be automatically included without any additional configuration required. To include other tags such as country, build number, test name, or others, you can put them manually as indicated in the example below:
    .sourceAlias("Android app")
//  .tags(new HashMap<>(){{
//      put("tag1", "value1");
//  }})
//  .customDomains(new HashMap<>(){{
//      put("", "myanalytics");
//  }})
//  .enableDebug()
//  .dryRun()

Trackingplan for Regression Testing

Trackingplan for Android supports running as part of your instrumented tests. This way, existing tests can be used to catch analytics data problems before they get into production. To do so, follow the steps below:

  1. Add com.trackingplan.client:junit-tools:1.8.0 as a androidTestImplementation dependency to the dependencies section of your module-level build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    // ...
    androidTestImplementation "com.trackingplan.client:junit-tools:1.8.0"// ...
  1. Import the TrackingplanJUnit:
import com.trackingplan.client.junit.TrackingplanJUnit;
  1. In each JUnit file, add the imported rule to your instrumented test code:
public TrackingplanRule trackingplanRule =
    TrackingplanJUnit.init("YOUR_TP_ID", "YOUR_ENVIRONMENT")
            .tags(new HashMap<>() {{
                put("test_title", "My test");
                put("test_session_name", "My session");

Or in Kotlin:

val trackingplanRule = TrackingplanJUnit.init("YOUR_TP_ID", "YOUR_ENVIRONMENT")
        "test_title" to "My Test",
        "test_session_name" to "My Session"

The TrackingplanRule will initialize the SDK before each test is executed, ensuring all the collected data is sent to Trackingplan after every test execution. Note that this rule will overwrite any existing initialization of Trackingplan SDK for Android in your app.

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