Privacy Report

Privacy Report

Privacy Report

Trackingplan’s Privacy Report allows you to see at a glance which private data your site is collecting from your users and forwarding to third parties.

Personal data – like user emails, IP addresses, SSNs, credit cards, and so on – will be automatically spotted and labeled here to detect possible privacy issues or security-sensitive data that should not have been collected or forwarded to your analytics services.


In this example from one of our demos, you can see that customers’ billing card details have been collected by Google Analytics in a total of 11 events. To know in which specific events this sensitive information has been collected to spot any possible privacy breach, you can click on the event counter directly.


This feature not only helps you ensure compliance with privacy regulations but also empowers you to safeguard your users' sensitive information effectively.

Find answers to the most commonly asked questions about the benefits of choosing Trackingplan for enhanced data privacy coverage here.

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