What is Trackingplan
OverviewThe Trackingplan Way
AutomonitoringAutomated Alert SystemGetting Started
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Trackingplan Public APISupported Trackers Release NotesPixels
These are the questions our Pixels Summary answers. Pixel errors are common, failing easily and invisibly, and leading to increased costs and decreased conversions. That’s why Trackingplan allows you to stay on top of all the SaaS tools used in your frontends to automatically alert you when a Pixel is gone from a page of your site or is completely offline.
Moreover, you can also mark important Pixels and/or pages as favorites, bringing them to the top of your list for easy access, or export your Pixels Summary as CSV.
Edit Pixel Destinations
Trackingplan supports over 1300 pixels and trackers, and those we detect will appear in your pixels report. Moreover, you can always customize your view by editing the list of pixel destinations you want to monitor.
This will allow you to mute any warning for those providers you aren't interested in, reducing noise and helping you focus on those providers that matter most to your tracking needs. For it, simply click on “Edit Pixel View” to set up which pixel providers you want to see in your Pixels Report.
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