What is Trackingplan
OverviewThe Trackingplan Way
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Trackingplan Public APISupported Trackers Release NotesExplore Tracks
By accessing it, you’ll be able to instantly view and analyze all tracked events sent to your servers and analytics providers in raw, parsed, and data layer formats, without the need for downloads.
In it, all the data collected during a real session can be explored and the behavior of the data can be studied without requiring the reproduction of the error or the user's environment (language, browser, device, etc...).
Moreover, you can also search for sessions where specific events or properties have occurred (e.g.: sessions where the 'purchase' event has occurred, or search for sessions with specific property values like "purchase ID XXX").
Trackingplan’s Tracks Explorer gives you access to a list of all tracks generated in your websites and apps, sorted by date. Moreover, it also allows you to filter by specific days, destinations, events, session ID, or status, providing you with maximum customization for viewing all your tracks.
For instance, by filtering by status –especially by searching only for tracks with warnings–, you can easily focus and explore tracks that have not passed the validation check.
Additionally, you can filter by advanced conditions to refine your searches further.
After filtering according to your needs, simply click on any session from the list to access the raw, parsed, and data layer tracks displayed in JSON format, which you can copy and paste without downloading them.
There, you’ll also find additional information about the warnings found in each of your tracks, allowing you to easily identify specification mismatches such as missing required parameters or incorrect data formats.
You can also access this information by hovering over the track status within this same view. This is useful for viewing mismatches while keeping the track content visible, allowing for a more streamlined review process.
Additionally, the same tooltip can be accessed by hovering over the warning icons within your tracks list. This will provide you with all the spec mismatches found, even those that haven’t triggered warnings because they fall within the allowed tolerances. This helps you address potential issues proactively before they escalate into real tracking errors.
Lastly, for easy identification, tracks with warnings that have not been triggered event-level issues will be marked in grey, making it easy to distinguish them from those with event warnings.
You also have the option to view tracks within your Debug Warning View or in Trackingplan’s Data Explorer.
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